Message from the Headmistress
Dear Parents,
The days are getting lonelier in school and all the sun is doing for me is reflecting on my high vis jacket and giving me a headache… would be good to feel it on my back instead. It occurs to me that those with gardens are blessed at this time.
This has been the strangest week as we adapt to our new normalities. Well done to everyone who is managing to stay positive in the face of much change. Thanks to all our staff for the adaptations they have made to their working life and especially to our pupils and parents for rising to the challenge. We are all in it together and all here to help and support in whatever ways we reasonably can.
Those who know me well, know that I am a lover of ‘gratitude’. I see the good in every situation and I see no reason for not doing so here. (If anyone remembers the saccharine story of Pollyanna – this is when I learnt my essential life philosophy- it was a long time ago…)
Here are some of my thoughts:
- Those we most love are right here – in the house, or at the end of a video chat. (We are so lucky to be so connected by technology and its heart-warming to see the efforts of the elderly getting to grips with such to keep in touch)
- We have some freedoms we crave – to be at home with books (endless supplies if you are a Nottinghamshire Inspire library member online)
- What an amazing opportunity to get out the board games (usually reserved for Christmas)
- Remember what is a drudge to adults is fun to kids: that steam mop is an adventure; even the feather duster is magic in the right hands…
- We have the time to stop and talk to each other…
- We can catch up on box sets…
- Children can join in the cooking and learn the art of rustling up a meal from the scrappy bits left at the end of the week
- And best of all, we can practice using different gadgets and develop our skills. Oh and we can clear out the loft/wardrobe/under the beds (where the monster lives)
- Enjoy the new sensory experiences: roads are quiet so listen to the birds. Breathe the fresher air and remember how much we are helping our world by our CO2 reduction!
I hope you all are well and remain so.
Mrs Hutley
Message from the Head of Juniors
Dear Parents,
Well, we are nearing the end of what has been a very different week for all of us. Thank you to all the messages of support that we have received; they really are appreciated.
I am very pleased with the initial success of the online learning. I know, for some, it will take slightly longer to adjust. We are also very aware of how many parents are working from home and trying to find routines and structures which work for the whole family. We will continue to offer the full curriculum, following our weekly timetables. We are there to support throughout the day and encourage the children to interact with us by adding comments to ask for help, to talk to us as they progress through tasks, or just to keep in touch. Similarly, parents please email us (as many times as you wish to!) to let us know how children are getting on or anything we can do for you. We completely understand that all work may not be possible. Deadlines are, of course, flexible and we will support you all to find solutions that work for you.
I want to thank the teachers for their commitment to providing your children with a quality education. I know they are working well into the evening to ensure everything is planned, marked and assessed whilst answering queries from parents and children. We do welcome your comments and feedback on this so please keep sending them to us. We are in continuous discussions about how to add variety to tasks to maintain engagement.
I hope you all have a break this weekend and enjoy some family time. Let’s hope the sun continues to shine.
Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors