Message from the Head
Dear Parents,
Science week brought fabulous experiments and knowledge around the theme of growth. Thank you to all our visitors (and a special grandad) who amazed our juniors with liquid nitrogen (all in the risk assessment!) and to Mr Firth’s colleague who delivered an assembly to years 7 and 8 and was discussing zebrafish when I popped in. Y7 planted the first ferns and chlorophytum into the Green wall and we can’t wait to see these plants grow! A big thank you to the Science team for facilitating these visits and for their passion for their subject.
The week started with a run-through of all the different brass instruments it is possible to play and we loved the tuba! There are so many benefits to playing a musical instrument – social, health (lungs!) and cognitive alertness -to mention just three.
And the new PE kit orders arrived! Our students have looked so smart. The kit is available to order online and we will expect the whole school to be in the new PE kit by September. If your son or daughter has the new PE kit, the expectation is that they will wear it with NO themes and variations…. Many thanks for your help in this. Whilst on the subject of uniform, can I remind you that nail varnish/gel (etc), false eyelashes, jewellery and anything more than a single stud earring are also not part of the Hollygirt way…..
I emailed Year 10 and 11 parents this week to invite Year 11 (and Year 10 if you fancy) to a revision strategies session on Tuesday 29th March, 5.30-6pm and Year 10 just after that for a cheese and wine hour, 6-7pm, to discuss their views about a potential Hollygirt sixth form. This is not a promise at all but an initial conversation to see what our parents think. Year 11 parents, please don’t worry if you can’t make the live event – a recording will be available on our YouTube channel following the event. The session is based on my cognitive research with the University of Cambridge.
Today I was teaching Year 9 Issues to a pumping beat as the school dances in support of Red Nose Day. Thanks to Ms Howlett and the staff team for their organisation and outfits!! I wasn’t sure how my lesson would go with the disco mix but as the theme was ‘Safety at Parties’, it all flowed rather well.
To polish off the week I read a wonderful story to Year One who visited for a story and biscuits today and we discussed how children can sometimes be right and adults wrong as Grandad Smed and Grandma Smoo didn’t want their children to play together for silly reasons.
Finally, our neighbours have been in touch to say they have found a laminated season ticket for Newstead Abbey -just in case this has fallen out of your car? Please get in touch with the school reception if it has.
Have a good weekend.
Best wishes,
Helen Barsham
Message from the Head of Juniors
Good afternoon,
It has certainly been one of our busier weeks in Junior School!
I am sure the children have come home talking about the various Science experiments they have been conducting this week as part of Science Week. From investigating what happens when flowers are left in different coloured water to making crystals and even lava lamps, it has been great fun. I have been so impressed, when I have visited lessons, to hear the thoughtful explanations the children have offered demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of these investigations.
On Wednesday, we were treated to a workshop led by David Sykes and his colleagues. The children were fascinated by the experiments and even learnt how to write secret messages. The liquid nitrogen and balloon experiment was amazing! Our special thanks to David and his team.
Thank you to the Friends of Hollygirt and Miss Nisan for organising the Neon Disco yesterday. The children loved it and there were some spectacular outfits!
The children have taken part in many different activities for Red Nose Day this week. Thank you to Year 6 who baked and sold delicious cakes on Wednesday. Yesterday, we enjoyed our staff v Year 6 Benchball match. Although the staff team did not have too much support from the crowd, they did win! Great efforts by all though – some fantastic play and great teamwork.
Today, we have some amazing Superhero costumes. We have just had our Nose and Spoon race and soon, we are taking part in the danceathon. Thank you for all the kind donations – they are very much appreciated. We have raised £177.15 from the Bake Sale and red noses and will add in today’s donations.
This afternoon, it is DEAR for the whole school and then Year 1 are looking forward to stories and a biscuit with Dr Barsham. What a lovely end to the week.
Well done to June who has worked so hard to create her blue and yellow hearts and sold these in support of Ukraine. I know she is busy making more this weekend to sell next week too.
On Tuesday, Years 1 – 3 will be participating in an Agility Festival; these are always such enjoyable events. Also on Tuesday are our rescheduled Year 2 parent meetings. Please note that these are in the Year 5 and 6 building (No 9 Villa Road). I look forward to seeing you there.
Years 5 and 6 will graduate from their DART course on Thursday. I know they have found the programme incredibly interesting and have learnt valuable skills which will equip them for the future.
On Friday, it is, of course, our trip to The Space Centre which will be great fun. I know the children are incredibly excited and will gain a lot from the experience.
Please could I remind you that if children are arriving late, after 8:45am, and there is nobody on the gate to sign them in, they need to go to Main Reception in the Senior School. Children should not be letting themselves through the gate or into the buildings. Classes do move to other parts of the school and we need to ensure children are taken to their teacher each morning.
The new PE kit looks fabulous! Thank you for your patience with this. It is available to order on the Schoolwear Solutions website. Children should now either be in the new kit or alternatively, until the end of this academic year, they can still wear the original green tracksuit and red sweatshirt. Children should not, however, be in any non-uniform items. Some sizes of the green tracksuit are available in the second-hand uniform shop (see below for more information) should you wish to stick with this option for the rest of the year. We do ask for all children to be in the new kit by September.
Unfortunately, due to supply issues, the planned new dress will not be possible for this summer. We are still looking for a new dress but not for this year. You can buy the current red gingham summer dress from various shops but it should have a Peter Pan collar and buttons down the front.
And finally, congratulations to Clumber who are the winning house for this term. All houses gained a huge amount of house points and should be very proud of themselves. As a reward, Clumber will be treated to a movie and pizza in school on the last Monday of term.
Have a lovely weekend,
This week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Wright
Head of Junior School
Message from the Friends of Hollygirt – Second Hand Uniform Shop
We’re delighted to announce that the Second Hand Uniform Shop will be open Thursday 24th March, 3pm-5pm.
Mrs Gadhia (Chair, Year 2 parent), Mrs Boswell (Secretary, Year 8 parent) and Miss Dunstan (Year 7 parent) spent hours organising and sorting through the stock this week (a huge thank you from the school for your time and hard work!).
There is a wide range of items and sizes available from both the Junior and Senior school uniforms.
If you have any items to donate, please drop them at the school reception. Please ensure all items donated are clean and in good condition. We would also be grateful for any coat hanger donations.
The next Friends fo Holylgirt Meeting will be held on Monday 25th April, 4 – 5.30pm, in Dr Barsham’s office – new members are always welcome!
Key Dates for the Week Ahead
Tuesday 22nd March |
D of E Training Day
Year 1 and 2 Agility Festival Year 2 Parents’ Meetings |
Wednesday 23rd March |
EYFS Stay and Play
Thursday 24th March |
Second Hand Uniform Shop, 3-5pm
Friday 25th March | Junior School Space Centre Trip Head’s Coffee Morning |