Message from the Headmistress
Dear Parents,
This is my Friday Communication, which I have written on Wednesday as I am on external business and away from school for the end of this week.
Covid Update
You will be aware that the Prime Minister has put back the possible full opening of society and the removing of current restrictions for up to a further 4 weeks until 19th July. (The only concession is for those getting married.)
We have had further clarification from the Department for Education on end of term events. Those events where parents are invited into school have now been minimised to sports days and the Y6 into Y7 transition meetings. All these events will be held outdoors and further information will be available shortly, outlining our risk mitigations specific to the event. One of the many bonuses of being a small school is we can still run live meetings at this key point of transition to Senior School!
You may also have picked up in the press some stories which have stated that many of the younger children who are testing positive are presenting with different symptoms, including a headache, or a runny nose. This is not yet part of official guidance information. However, if your child is presenting as unwell with these or with the traditional symptoms of a temperature, continuous cough or a loss of taste or smell, you should get a PCR test at a local test centre and self-isolate as a precaution until the result is known. We are aware that many local schools have had cases in the past week, and we would love to have a virus-free end of term!
All senior school pupils have received today (Wednesday 16th), further supplies of Lateral Flow Tests, to be done twice weekly until the end of term. This should be sufficient supplies for the remainder of the term, and we await news on whether we are testing through the holidays or issuing stocks for testing before children’s return in September.
Year 11 Leavers
Yesterday was a sad day- when we said goodbye to our Year 11. Albeit over a month later than they would have left in a ’normal year’. What a Key Stage 4 they have had… and how resilient they have proved themselves to be. I was very proud, in this my last year, to say goodbye to them and to wish them every happiness for their futures. Parents of the Year 11 will be aware that we are having a smaller outdoors celebration for them on our site on 12th July with music, photographer, and more importantly for the young ladies, an opportunity to wear their lovely dresses… I can’t wait to see them! Please ensure you confirm your child’s attendance by Monday 21st June. More information can be found in the letter sent to parents, which you can read here.
I noted in my end of assembly that one of our pupils, Red, was one of the first girls I showed around the school when I started here- she joined just one year after me, so has spent an astonishing 13 of her 16 years at Hollygirt. What a wrench to leave for her…
The folders of evidence for their examination results are being scrutinised now by senior staff as part of our internal quality assurance mechanism before the grades are submitted to the examination boards at the end of this week.
School Class Photographs
We are having whole class photographs for all our pupils in the school next Wednesday 23rd June, outdoors in the garden. (Let’s hope the forecasted storms have moved on by then.) I remind pupils to look their smartest for these photos.
I congratulate all our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award candidates who spent the scorching weekend walking miles, up hills, with heavy packs, and sleeping under canvas last weekend… a trial it was, but there is nothing more rewarding than completing an endurance task! Well Done All. Thank you to parents for getting them deep into the Peak District early on Saturday morning, and the organising and supervising staff.
I wish you all a lovely weekend, when it comes…
Mrs Hutley
Message from the Head of Juniors
Dear Parents,
An exciting week for Years 3 and 4 as they travelled to Perlethorpe for their residential trip. I visited yesterday and the children were having a fantastic time participating in the many activities on offer; please have a look at our social media pages to see photographs. For some, it was their first experience of camping and being away from home. The children (and teachers!) are, understandably, quite tired today; I think it was an early start on Thursday and I am sure they are all looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Thank you to Miss Purchase, Miss Copper and Mr Ockleford for leading this trip.
Thank you to everyone who has already sent in donations for the Garden Party. A reminder that we need new toys, chocolate, bottles and also prizes for the raffle. On Friday 25th June, it is Wacky Hair Day in Junior school and children can wear their hair in any style they wish to! We are asking them to bring in a jar of sweets for the Garden Party.
Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 28th June and parents will be able to attend. More details on this will follow next week with the measures we have to put in place to allow this to happen safely.
The week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors