Message from the Headmistress
Dear Parents,
From Monday 17th May, there are further changes to what is permitted in England. These include:
- Up to six people, or two households of any size, may meet indoors
- Overnight stays allowed
- Up to 30 people may meet outdoors
- Pubs, bars and restaurants can open indoors
- Indoor entertainment (such as museums and cinemas) can resume
- Outdoor events of up to 4,000 attendees or 50% venue capacity will be allowed
This eases the restrictions and makes some things feel much more like normal, and yet we are aware that the increasing cases of the Indian strain of coronavirus are causing concern to the government.
Now that the vaccination programme is well underway and any adult over the age of 38 can book, there is hope that the percentage vaccinated will halt or minimise the impact of infection rates on serious illness.
We are not being complacent.
You will be aware that we have been told that the mask-wearing rules in schools can change. This is how Hollygirt is going to work from Monday:
From Monday 17th May, masks will no longer be compulsory for pupils or staff in classrooms. They may choose to continue to wear one. The exception to this is in the Computer Room, where we will continue to wear masks until half term.
In corridors and indoor communal spaces, we will continue to wear masks. But they are not required whilst moving across the avenue or in playgrounds. We will revise this if there are any surges in local numbers and will reassess the situation after half term.
Lateral Flow Tests
Pupils in senior schools have received a further box of 7 lateral flow tests today, to continue their twice a week testing. These will last until just after half term.
If you have Covid Symptoms:
Please could I remind you that Lateral Flow tests are only for people without Covid symptoms. Junior children are not required to take these and they should not be used because a child is unwell.
If your child, or any member of the household, has any Covid symptoms, please book a PCR test; the whole household will need to isolate until a negative PCR result is received.
Lateral Flow tests should not be taken by anyone presenting with symptoms. A negative Lateral Flow test is not sufficient for anyone with symptoms.
Please continue to keep us informed, via the school Covid email address, if your child has any Covid symptoms and is taking a PCR test and then subsequently, the results.
We appreciate the usual coughs and colds are circulating, however, we need to continue to be cautious and follow the guidance. Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
In other news…
Year 11
I have sent by separate mail a communication to Year 11 parents, including our school policy on issuing Teacher Assessed grades for the Year 11 pupils.
Term Dates 2021-2022
Dates for the academic year 2021-2022, as I indicated last week, we noticed an error in the published term days for 2021 -2022. The update is available to view here. The only change is the end of term date in the Summer Term 2022 is Wednesday 13th July.
Drum Teacher
We are seeking a peripatetic DRUM teacher. If you know anyone who might be interested, please ask them to look at the jobs section of our website.
In-Class Assessments
For the two weeks before half term, all pupils in Senior School will be doing in-class assessments. Please can I request that any who have permission to use a laptop in Y7-10 bring their own laptop and USB stick. The juniors will have one week of revision lessons and do their assessments in the second week. There will be no children in school on taster days during this period in Y3-Y9.
Parents’ Question and Answer forum
Next Friday, 21st May, I will host a Parents’ Question and Answer forum at 7pm on Zoom. This is an opportunity for any parent to discuss with me any things they need clarification on, and to raise any general points to impact our current and future planning. There is no need to book in, just come along. If no one comes, I will close down at 7.15. The link to join the meeting is:
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Hutley
Message from the Head of Juniors
Dear Parents,
I have been looking through the children’s books this week and, as always, am so impressed with the high standard of work. The children are all trying so hard and this is clearly reflected in the quality of work they produce. It is fantastic to see the progress they have made since the beginning of the year.
Next week is Revision Week for KS2. Our theme for PSHE is Physical Health and through assemblies and class activities, we will be discussing the benefits of healthy eating, exercise and getting enough sleep. Please could children have trainers in school on Wednesday as we will be joining Miss Nisan for a workout (in our bubbles).
Years 3/4 and Years 5/6 are looking forward to their residential trips after half term. We are so pleased that these are able to go ahead; it is such a great experience for the children. There will be meetings prior to the trips and teachers will send you invites for these.
Have a lovely weekend,
The week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors