March 10, 2023

Weekly News – Friday 10th March 2023

Message from the Head

Dear Parents

Hopefully you were able to see our message about school being open on the website this morning.  Main message from me is always safety first!

We started the week with an assembly about Careers – Thank you Mr Dilger.  A copy of the PowerPoint presentation can be found here.

On Wednesday, I was very sorry to miss our International Women’s Day assembly, as I was out at physio.  I want to thank all the speakers for coming in – thank you to Mrs Howlett for organising this.  Here’s a brief write up from Mrs Howlett:

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is Embrace Equity.  The Senior School students were lucky enough to have three inspirational women present to them why International Women’s Day is important to themselves and society.  Bethan who is a third year trainee paramedic spoke to the students about how she faces and addresses sexism in the work place and she reminded the students it is everyone’s role to challenge this.  Mrs Sumner Williams described starting her own business, imposter syndrome, being bold brave and positive and the importance of gratitude and giving back to society.  Ms Davis described her career path through the male dominated industry of engineering and STEM science.  All three were very inspiring women.  The students engaged well with questions and answers, and we extend our gratitude for taking them time to prepare and present to us.

Can I please ask that your Senior School children are in school by 8.40am at the latest in the mornings.  We accept that buses can be delayed, traffic can be heavy etc but please try and aim for 8.40am.  We have a number of (mainly older) students who are not making it to school on time and we are monitoring these lates.  It means that the students are missing informative assemblies, additional curriculum enrichment (ACE) time and House meetings.

A reminder that I am delivering a session on using cognitive science for revision strategies on Wednesday 15th March next week (Year 11 parents) – click here for the link to the event on our Facebook page.  External visitors are also welcome to attend, please just let us know.  Our new Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Alison Brown will be with us too and we look forward to her starting at Hollygirt after the Easter holidays.  We will most likely video the event in case you can’t make it.

Also, a heads up about our Saturday Open Morning when we come back after the Easter – this will be on Saturday 22nd April – I hope that many of our students can join us as they do such a wonderful job on the tours.  Our numbers are growing all the time which is remarkable in the current financial climate but we are an exceptional school!

I’m signing off by thanking my team this week – they have gone above and beyond all week in managing wet breaks, snow (out there gritting to keep us safe) and getting to school; their commitment is invaluable.  Thank you Hollygirt staff!

Helen Barsham

Message from the Head of Prep

Good afternoon

Firstly, thank you for your support with the changes to some arrangements due to the snow this week.  Apologies that we have cancelled the Social Evening tonight; we will rearrange this soon.

On Wednesday, the children in Kindergarten and Prep celebrated International Women’s Day.  There were class assemblies and lessons which followed these, including researching and discussing women who have inspired the children.

Next week is Science Week and KS2 will be joining the Senior School for assembly on Monday as Mr Firth introduces a Science project which we hope many of the children will participate in.  On Thursday, it is Science Day and children in Kindergarten and Prep will be grouped in houses to conduct various experiments throughout the day.  Tuesday is Maths Day and the children will be working on exciting Maths investigations in their lessons.  Games lessons for KS2 will run as usual in the morning.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Keyworth and Mrs Mason will be taking a football team to a fixture at Willows Sports Centre against the Old Vicarage School.  We wish them the best of luck.

A reminder that you can make appointments to order our new summer dress on Tuesday 28th March via this link.

Schoolwear Solutions | Scheduling and Booking Website (

If you would like to see the dress, it is still hanging up in Reception in Senior School.

On Wednesday 15th March, Year 6 will be holding a bake sale for Red Nose Day.  Please could you send children in with money, in a named purse, if they wish to purchase cakes.  On Friday 17th March, School Council are asking for a £1 donation if children wish to wear red clothing or accessories; this may include face paint.  Any other donations would be greatly appreciated as the children will be taking part in a number of other exciting activities, including a Red Nose bucket toss and a Red Nose scavenger hunt.  Thank you for your support us with this event.

Have a lovely weekend,

Victoria Wright
Head of Prep


Upcoming Calendar Reminders

W/c 13th March
Year 10 Work Experience
Science Week

Tuesday 14th March
Maths Day

Wednesday 15th March
U11 Boys’ Football Vs OVS
Comic Relief – Junior Bake Sale
5.00-6.00pm Year 11 Revision Strategies Meeting

Friday 17th March
Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) – Prep children can dress up for a £1 donation.  Seniors will have a cake sale and can wear red accessories for a small donation.
Curry Evening for Parents and Staff 

Tuesday 21st March
Poetry Day

Wednesday 22nd March
2.15pm U13 Boys’ Football ISA Tournament (Stafford)

Friday 24th March
8.30-9.00am Prep School Coffee Morning
Year 10 English Visit to Nottingham Contemporary
Science Exhibition

Monday 27th March
Year 8 Parents’ Evening

Tuesday 28th March
Prep School – parents can order the summer dress – details above.

Wednesday 29th March
11.0am Whole School Photograph
End of Term Winning House Reward (pm)

Thursday 30th March
8.30-9.00am Head’s Coffee Morning
2.30-3.45pm Spring Concert
Break up for Easter

Start of Summer Term for students
Tuesday 18th April

Saturday 22nd April – OPEN MORNING
9.00am – 12.00pm