Message from the Deputy Head
Dear Parents,
It is Safer Internet Day on 6th February and in build up to it, pupils have been taking part in activities that encourage safe use when online. There is also an opportunity for you to further understand how to support your child’s safe use online with this online training – click here.
Pupils have enjoyed educational visits this week to the University of Nottingham, Morrisons for food research and Wollaton Hall. The University trip (feature photo) involved Year 10 pupils who have been taking part in the School Connectiveness research.
We have had two assemblies this week on the Holocaust and protecting Personal Characteristics.
Next week, Year 11 are planning on hosting a cake sale to raise funds for their Prom.
Have a lovely weekend.
Dave Cholerton
Deputy Head
Message from the Head of Prep
Good afternoon,
Another busy week in Prep. There are a lot of creative activities going on in classrooms this morning and some very excited children! This half term is certainly flying by with only two weeks left.
On Wednesday, Years 1 and 2 parents and grandparents are invited in for ‘Someone Special’ afternoon. I am sure you will have a fantastic afternoon and I look forward to seeing you there. These afternoons will be arranged for all year groups and Form Teachers will be in touch with more details on these.
If you are free on Friday morning, please pop in for coffee with Mrs Wand and myself. This will be in Prep Library from 8.30-9.00am.
Please could you make sure all uniform is clearly named so that we can identify any clothing left in the playground or around school. This includes all accessories such as gloves and hats.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Victoria Wright
Head of Prep
For Sixth Form News please click the link here.