We pride ourselves on being able to support children’s emotional and social wellbeing with our flexible approach and small class sizes.
If concerns are raised by teachers or by parents, our Pupil Development Coordinator, Mrs Kate George, will agree a tailored plan to target specific learning, social, organisational or behavioural needs. These plans are regularly updated. Sometimes parents are advised to seek an Educational Psychologist’s report to identify the level of need or to get a clear diagnosis. All pupils are routinely screened in Year 9 to ensure appropriate access arrangements in public examinations are offered to all who need them and would benefit from extra time or other concession.
The department is staffed by the Pupil Development Coordinator, 2 SENCOs, teaching assistants and a 1:1 specialist who offers targeted support to individuals’ needs (at an additional charge).
Currently, pupils in the Senior School who have particular difficulties in Mathematics and English will be offered small group tuition rather than study a Modern Foreign Language in Years 7, 8 and 9 and a reduced curriculum and further support is available in Years 10 and 11.
Our prospectus aims to give you a glimpse into our wonderful small school.
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