I began this week with an assembly at the Senior school in which I spoke about Anti-discrimination day (1st March) and what bearing this had on everyday life. While most of us are familiar with overt discrimination, being denied roles or having assumptions made based on appearance, covert discrimination is harder to spot and often reveals itself as a lack of inclusivity. For example, if you offer a plate of biscuits round have you considered your friend who can’t eat gluten? This is an example of indirect discrimination, and I’ve challenged pupils to look out for examples in their own lives where either they, their friends, or the school could make little changes to be less discriminatory and more inclusive. As Ramadan begins this evening, I will be thinking consciously about our pupils; Imsak and Iftar will happen outside of school hours, so it’s important the community recognises and understands what this means for pupils observing sawm during this time.
Additionally, I am encouraging pupils to extend more courtesy to peers and adults around school and have asked staff to be especially conscious of noticing and rewarding our school values and courteous behaviour, especially outside of the classroom. Holding a door open, saying thank you, stepping aside to let someone pass, not hollering across the Elms, arriving to lessons on time, all are good examples of extending simple courtesies.
We’ve been gearing up for World Book Day next week; the Prep school have enjoyed visits to Waterstones, with more outings planned next week. They are hopefully going to spend some time over the weekend considering their character-based outfits for World Book Day. Across the whole school we are collecting pre-loved books to donate to the Children’s book project, each donated book wins a house point.
We had a successful Year 10 parents evening last night, teachers who were unable to make the meeting should be contacting home shortly to update you on progress. If you were unable to attend, please do email your child’s teachers to ask for feedback. I look forward to seeing more parents and hearing updates at the Prep school parents’ evenings next week.
Thank you to parents for supporting our push on uniform; the pupils are looking smart this week, there’s still a few areas we can improve on, your support in this area is valued as ever.
I am off now to watch the Year 7 French Fashion Show; I’ve been lucky to bag a front row seat, harder to acquire than front row at London Fashion Week so I had better make a move and not be fashionably late!
Ever Onwards and Upwards,
Ms Purdy