It is time to get creative. Here is an Easter challenge for you all. You are only allowed to use what is in your house. No going out to buy anything as that’s against the rules!
This is going to be EGGciting! EGGcellent, EGGstatic so GET EGGcited!
Design an Easter egg and the theme is…anything you like! There are loads of pictures and ideas online to inspire you.
Please do not waste eggs, perhaps make your own out of paper and shape it. Or make a small hole and blow the egg out so you can make an omelette!
Take a photo and send to with your name, tutor group and a brief description of your egg. Also you can DM your entry on Instagram to @official_hollygirtschool
Open to all years. Have fun and be creative!!! I’m going to do Egglvis!
Have fun!
Mrs. Griffiths